Family Visa based on...
Already registered as permanent foreigners in Brazil assumes responsibility for
the family.
Visa based on Family Reunion is a type of visa granted in situations that require the approach of people
from the same family, while maintaining it's unity.
In the process of application for a Visa based on Family Reunion, a foreigner already registered as
permanent in Brazil or Brazilian assumes responsibility for the family member as well as being the legal
Are considered legal dependentes:
1. Single children under the age of 18 or older children proved to be unable to provide their own
2. Parents or grandparents with effective need of support;
3. Brothers, grandchildren or great grandchildren orphans, single under 18, or older,provided proven
unable to provide their own sustenance;
4. Spouse of permanent or temporary foreigner in Brazil;
5. Legal guardian or guardian of a Brazilian.
The dependents referred to in numbers "1" and "2" will be considered as such until they reach the age of
24, as long as they are enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate course and that equal treatment be
granted to Brazilians in the foreigner’s country of origin.
The process of obtaining visas for Brazil, still requires the submission of other documents, certificates,
personal information, payment of taxes, etc. and in some cases the presentation of a vaccination
certificate and other copies of documents. Depending on the language used on theapplicants documents an
officialsworn translation of the documents will also be necessary,as well ashaving them legalizedat the
Brazilian Consulate in the country of issue. There are several details that will make the acquisition of a
visa possible.
To apply for a Visa based on Family Reunion with agility and security, contactHorizon Brazil, one of the
main companies in the country in consultancy services and assistance on immigration.
Horizon Brazil offers their customers, individuals or companies a differentiated and personal service,
analyzing all the necessary documentation necessary to obtain your visa and by closely monitoring each
step of the process with the competent agencies, guaranteeing agility and security.
The office is located in Sao Paulo, one of the main Brazilian cities, on Avenida Paulista, a privileged
area and easily accessible.
On Immigration Consulting with a focus on agility and service companies and individuals.
The visa based on Brazilian child is one of the main ways to obtain a permanent visa, which gives the
foreigner the right to live and work in Brazil.